Pocket CHM v4.3 - CHM Format Maker
I find this CHM Tool when i am searching Tool for Webmaster at Google. This tool is good and very helpfull for developers, authors or technical writers to create an online help for any desktop applications in CHM format.
Pocket CHM Tool is a WYSIWYG HTML editor so you can easy to edit your HTML topics without knowing HTML.
And if you want to change your Table of Contents (TOC), you can easy change the TOC properties. For example, you can add a border, plus or minus squares, and select a custom font for displaying titles. For most TOC styles, the visual TOC Designer appearance will change immediately according to the state you select. You can quickly test and see how TOC will look at design-time.An index is one of the most important ways to get users quickly to locate topics (table of contents and full-text search are additional ways). The index contains keywords that you specify. Users click a keyword listed in the index and it either takes them directly to the topic containing the information they are looking for, or to a list of topics that contain the keyword.
Pocket CHM is made by Fly Sky Software Inc. The Fly Sky Software was founded in 2001. They have 3 products at their website. Their mission is to provide efficient, reliable software that exceed people's expectations.