Easy Manage Project With MinuteMan Project Management Software
MinuteMan Project Management Software can make your work is easy. Read this arcticles and follow the link below to get more information about MinuteMan Project.
Program Description
MinuteMan is a project management software that you can use to create a project schedule with dates of tasks and milestones. With this software you can make notes on each task you have. This program is easy to use and very comprehensive. You can create Gant Charts, PERT Charts, budget system and off course you can report it for any layout you like. Use MinuteMan Project Management Program to manage your large or small projects with up thousands tasks.
Outline View
- The outline View can be indented to 5 levels.
- Critical Path Tasks and Milestones are indicated in red.
- A Percent (%) Complete Marker can be displayed for each Task or Milestone.
- The milestones are indicated as diamonds.
Workflow (PERT) Chart View
Complete editing capabilities are provided in this view: adding/deleting/moving tasks, changing any task's data, editing links, etc.
Tasks are shown as rectangles and Milestones with clipped corners.
Critical Path Tasks and Milestones are indicated in red.
A Percent Complete Marker can be displayed for each task or milestone.
Timeline (Gantt) Chart View
Views can be provided of tasks, resources, or resource usage by task.
A Percent Complete Marker can be displayed for each Task or Milestone
Timelines may be shown for tasks, resources, or resource-usage-by-task. Tasks is shown above. See Resources for more details.
Critical Path Tasks and Milestones are indicated in red.
Resource Tracking
The Graphical at MinuteMan will display text reports of people list by job or name category.
Indicate overallocation
List of all tasks each is work on
Generate Reports
Reports may be configured to include, at the task, subproject, and overall-project level;
Staffing Assignments
Predecessor Relationships
Schedule Data and Percent Complete
Staffing Costs
Task-specific notes
A Task Filter allows reporting on selected groups of tasks based on criteria such as;
Critical Path
Selected "Important" Tasks
Progress; Completed, In Progress, Not Started
Tasks with Headcount
Tasks incurring expenditures
Assign Resources
MinuteMan Program can assign costs to tasks. There are two types of costs are supported; People (worker) costs and Expenditures costs.
People costs is assigned to individuals (John, Cecep, etc.) or job categories (Technical, The Carpenter, etc). And hour labor costs is assigned for each. The maximum limit of costs can be setting on the quantity that available of each resources; over usage will be highlighted.
Customize the Calendar
The more objective of MinuteMan Project is to provide easy to use. A simple calendar system is presented by default
- Sevent day week with five workdays and Saturday/Sunday Non-Working
- Eight working hours per day.
Use Network (File Sharing)
MinuteMan Project Management Software can be used in a network environment. It has file-sharing facility. Put the project files on a server in your network. All users must have a copy of MinuteMan on their Computer. Then they can access project files immediately so they will work on a team.
Printing Charts Report Easily
- Minuteman Program can supports print of Timelines and Pertt Charts. The paper size is up to C (22"x17").
All (Timeline, Pert, and Work Outline) can be reported to Graphical Files. The You can edit or copy these files to Ms. Word Office Processor documents. The next enjoy is, you can email these files to others (your team) who can view them.
All of schedules may be exported to any file format that compatible with Microsoft Project or other Spreadsheet programs (excell).
MinuteMan Plus Project Management Software
MinuteMan Project Plus provides you an easy way to manage multiple projects. Plus Edition has all features of MinuteMan. With MinuteMan Plus, you can manage up to 100 projects of 200 tasks each using the following features:
The Cross-Project Summary View
The Cross-Project TimeLine View ("Gantt Chart")
The Cross-Project Report Generator
Cross-Project Resource Tracking
Download and Installation
Before you buy, you can try this software with full featured at 21 day. Click link below to try MinuteMan Project Management Software. The size of this program is 9277 KB. It work at WinNT 3.x, WinNT 4.x, Windows2000, WinXP, Windows2003 Platforms.
You need any standard "unzipping" files like WinZip or 7-Zip to open MinuteMan. After you have unzipped the files, you will see one file, SETUP.EXE. Just double click SETUP.EXE and follow the installation instructions.
Who make this program
MinuteMan Project Management Software is developed by MinuteMan System located at
Another Project Management Software and Tools
Project Management Software purpose is to help you and your team collaborate, assess risks, control your budget company and on the schedule. With an effective project management software your company can handle large and complex projects.
Below is some of Project Management program list. Clik its link to go to their main site.
*) Image above is copied from http://www.minuteman-systems.com
*) People with gun : http://www.minutemansoftware.com/about.htm
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